Our strategy pillars

01 Safety

Everyone reserves the right to return home safely, every day. That’s why safety is so important to our family. We integrate safety into our corporate culture, and don’t preach it as forced rules or measures. We focus on a bottom-up approach, in which every single one of us has the right to stop operations whenever they feel they are not performed safely.

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Corporate Culture

As we’ve grown intensively over the past few years, safety has become our most important strategy. That’s why safety has been incorporated into our culture, encouraging our people to work safely in every situation. Our bottom-up approach allows them to stop operations whenever they feel they are not performed safely. This way we envision safety as an inherent motivation, not as forced rules or measures.

This strategy is supported by our ISO 45001 certification.

Safety Jack

Safety Jack

This corporate culture is carried out with the assistance of our internal mascot: Safety Jack. Our fox co-worker communicates important messages and updates about maintaining a safe working environment to our people. With the help of Safety Jack, we’re able to inform each of our employees, transcending every language or cultural barrier.

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Internal Validation Policy

Working safely also brings gifts. Thanks to the incorporation of our internal validation policy, our people gain points for achieving safety key performance indicators. This way we want to motivate our employees even further to conduct operations while taking into account their own safety and the safety of their co-workers and maintaining a strong safety culture throughout the entire organisation.

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Personal guidance and training for our employees

Our drivers carry out a great responsibility when it comes to safe working behaviour. That's why we focus heavily on the personal guidance and training of our drivers, who receive monthly driving style reports based on the data from their black boxes. Through these results, we perform our personal feedback moments through our driver supervisors to even increase and optimise their driving behaviour in a constructive way.

02 Sustainability

We’re committed to performing our services as sustainably as possible. Assuring our future perspectives by taking into account the environment throughout our business operations. With a focus on intermodal transport and the use of sustainable equipment, we commit to organising our operations with a durable mindset. Van Moer has been focusing on sustainable logistics since 2011, celebrating the start-up of our first inland terminal. From then on, we have been developing our sustainable strategy even further.

Discover our Sustainability Reports.

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Providing intermodal transport via inland shipping
and rail connections

We have inland vessels operating within the port of Antwerp, on the river Scheldt and on the Albert canal. To provide for the entire logistics chain, Van Moer has acquired its own port terminal, inland terminals, and cross-dock quays. Train connections are embedded in the vast majority of our premises, offering our partners more durable alternatives for their cargo flows.

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Conducting research related to inland shipping

As a partner of the European Commission, we conduct research within the HORIZON 2020 program. We're actively participating in the NOVIMAR and NOVIMOVE consortium with regard to the platooning of inland vessels and the optimisation of terminal container handlings.

Since January 2020, we have also established the 'Leerstoel Dennie Lockefeer' at the University of Antwerp. The chair will investigate challenges and develop innovations within the landscape of inland navigation. The chair is named after late Captain Dennie Lockefeer, former Managing Director of Van Moer Logistics.

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Protecting our seas by committing to zero pellet loss

As a close partner of Operation Clean Sweep, we commit to limiting pellet loss during transport and logistic handlings. Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) is an international programme designed to prevent the loss of plastic granules (pellets, flakes, and powders) during handling by the various entities in the plastics value chain and their release into the environment. First adopted in North America, the OCS programme is now implemented in Europe since 2015. The methodology included in this programme has already helped to implement effective corrective actions in many companies in the plastics industry worldwide.

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Integrating sustainable equipment into the fleet

As a transporter and logistics service provider we have always valued decent and clean equipment to handle our partners’ goods. Throughout the years, the market was also able to develop more sustainable equipment. This resulted in a gradual switch to electrical driven forklifts and solar-powered warehouses. Also, natural gas-powered trucks have been introduced into the truck fleet. The frequent renewal of our equipment ensures that we always work with the most recent and durable technologies.

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Organising operations with a sustainable mindset

It’s not only equipment that contributes to a sustainable future, but also the mentality of how you organise operations. How can we do the same handling, with the same equipment, but with less impact on our environment? For example, at Van Moer we are enthusiastic performers of night transport combined with the use of cargo hubs. This way we further optimise our flows and reduce the weight of transportation onto road congestion.

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Engaging our employees to take care of the future

Our sustainable mindset is not only carried out by our services, we also engage our employees to consider their future. Every employee has the chance to lease a bike, as we highly recommend them to commute via bike or public transport or work from home whenever possible.

Every few months we clean the green zones alongside our premises. Our employees volunteer to dispose of the litter that has been abandoned alongside our facilities to make sure that the vegetation and wildlife are not affected by it. Despite the high industrialisation of our surroundings, these green zones are still the territory of local wildlife like birds and rabbits.

03 Quality

We make the difference by offering high-quality services and perform a strict and detailed quality management system. Through process improvement, we continuously search for optimisations measured by key performance indicators. Combined with the maintenance of a wide selection of certifications, we guarantee a solid service level at all times.

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Process Improvement

We’re always looking for ways to further improve our operations. We invest heavily in young talent that brings new ideas and perspectives to the table, but we also rely on the most experienced members of our team to guarantee the optimal processing of the flows. We’re not afraid to question our processes and we encourage our people to think out of the box.

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Key Performance Indicators

We monitor our performances through personalised KPI dashboards adjusted for each specific flow or operation. This way we provide an objective format that measures the quality of our performances towards our partners. These objective indicators will identify possible quality issues in an early stage, allowing us to immediately integrate measures. This way we can guarantee a solid service level at all times.

Certifications are an important part of our quality strategy. That is why our management puts a lot of focus on achieving and maintaining our certifications.

ISO 45001
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
ACS G001
ACS G017
FSSC 22000
Excipact GDP
SQAS Warehouse
SQAS Tank Cleaning
SQAS Transport

04 Corporate governance

To Van Moer, corporate governance means to operate with integrity and accountability, without losing respect for rules and legislation. We always do business in an open, transparent, and constructive manner, with a focus on professionalism. We fulfil our commitments and obligations, show great loyalty to our shareholders, and consider it of the utmost importance to have external directors in our Board of Directors.

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At Van Moer, we unconditionally take the environment into account. We value every opinion, have a great respect for all different cultures, and condemn every form of discrimination. Recognizing the importance of good corporate governance, Van Moer’s Board of Directors sets high standards for its employees, officers, and directors.

For more information, turn to our Policy Statement, Privacy Statement, CSR policy and Whistleblower Policy.